Here is my new e-book titled: Consequences of a Temptress published by Lady Leo Publishing.
Consequences of a Temptress is a fictional confession short story all about what Zoë wants Zoë gets. All Zoë's life she's been told how beautiful and banging her body is and she used it to her advantage. She loves the challenge of a man playing hard to get. It encourages her to pursue him aggressively. After she conquers her victim she loses interest until she meets Ahmad, she finds her biggest challenge that involves emotions, religion and life altering situations.
You can purchase your copy now at
Ahmad Woods, my ex-husband and father of my son is one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met in my life. He’s a brotha I feel every woman wants to have in her life. He’s strong, intelligent, loving, caring and a true friend. He’s family-oriented and listens when a woman has something to say.
Sometimes he would go so deep in conversation that I used to get caught up in his thoughts and views of the world. I wished I could just have an ounce of his wisdom, and share it willingly as he does. I know you must be thinking if he’s so good why is he my ex? Well what happened was…
It was a hot summer day in August and the temperature was rising by the seconds. I dotted beads of sweat with tissue and the residue stuck to my face. I had to squeeze through the crowds of wanna be gangstas who should have had their butts in school instead of making comments about my backside and legs. I ignored their remarks and continued on my way when I walked up on Ahmad. He was passing out religious pamphlets in front of a department store in the middle of downtown Boston.
Usually I wouldn’t take any handouts from anyone trying to give me anything on the street. All I wanted was some food on my lunch hour, but this brotha was FINE, dark chocolate, with hazel eyes and a smile that instantly melted me. I mean, this brotha made my mouth water its own sugar.
Of course I had no interest in what he had to say. To be honest I had no idea what he said. In seconds, inside my mind, I had foreseen him as my man, dating, sexing him up and down, and walking down the aisle, and yes, next came the baby carriage. I wanted to get to know him better and nothing would stand in my way. So I set out to conquer this beautiful black man.
When you get the time stop by and check out my website where you can read my short stories and poetry.
For those of you who love poetry.

Conditions of the Heart is a collection of self-love poetry that inspires the reader to love, embrace, nurture, and focus on themselves as they do others. Poetry is life, and Blount reveals the role of the heart in a unique way. She delivers a powerful message that allows you to stop and listen to your heart by living well and removing the negative from your life, having faith to reshape your life and live it according to your design. Conditions of the Heart is like receiving a valentine three hundred and sixty-five days a year.
Published by PublishAmerica
You can buy your copy now at