Shonell Bacon is an author, editor, educator, everywoman. She’s authored both creative and academic works, she’s edited for clients who have gone on to some form of success in their literary endeavors, and she’s an English specialist and mass communication instructor at the local university in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Shonell has her hands in even more things than this, and you can find MOST of them online through her MySpace page and her personal page. She’s also an addict of Twitter, so please sign up and “follower” her at Twitter.

Connections is a romantic comedy that’s perfect for today’s world where love is often found in Cyberspace.
Monday through Friday, for one hour a day, newspaper reporter Christianna Dayne’s life is wonderful. Despite her hectic life, she always manages to spend her lunch hour at Cyber Town where she can catch up with her best friend Samantha, grab a bite to eat, and most importantly, hook up with her cyber boo online. Christianna is definitely feeling LitGuy66, but she’s too afraid to meet him because she doesn’t want reality to come crashing down around her. What Christianna doesn’t know is she’s not in control; fate is, and when fate puts a flesh and blood man before her – a man who just happens to not only be her possible Mr. Wonderful but also her ultimate scoop – Christianna must decide whether to flee or stick around and pursue the endless possibilities.
Connections - as well as Got Til It’s Gone and Under the Mistletoe - are all available at Lady Leo Publishing.
I smiled at my girl, taking her hands in mine and giving them a squeeze. I glanced at the contrast of our hands—hers being alabaster and mine the color of cinnamon. I chuckled, thinking of how people often looked at our color; raised brows at our loud, usually not politically correct discussions; and refused to see that we were sisters beyond our hues. Since we hooked up and lucked out as roommates our first year of college, Sam and I had been joined at the hip. Not even full-time jobs or the daily grind of life could keep us from staying connected.
“Thanks, Sis,” I said. “I know you’re just worried about my so-called love life. Not all of us can be graced to have a love like you and Jake.”
“True, but you know Jake and I have our problems…”
I gave Sam a serious look, before asking, “So how are things, between you, Jake, Jax, and Jamaica?”
“It’s going,” Sam said, sighing. “Jake and I can do nothing but continue loving each other and watching out for Jax. Jax is so young. I don’t want to hurt her with her mother’s crazy issues. If Jamaica is going to act up, then we’ll just have to deal with it then. She’s been okay since we talked to her, but you never know.”
I nodded. Our conversation was halted as a guy approached the counter. Wow, I thought, he’s cute. I knew Sam was thinking the same thing because she offered me a smirk before helping him.
“What can I do for you?” she asked.
“Uh, yeah,” he said, looking rushed, “can I get a cup of coffee and a turkey Swiss croissant?”
“Sure thing.”
“Ditto on that order, Sam, but make my coffee a caramel latte, please.” She nodded and turned away. I drummed my fingertips along the counter, catching glimpses of the guy out of the corner of my eye.
“Hi,” he said, catching me glancing. I turned toward him, a blush rising in my cheeks.
“Hi,” I replied, embarrassed. Now looking directly at him, I was like Elvis, all shook up.
He was gorgeous, in that artsy kind of way, and his Hispanic heritage just added to his machismo factor. He had the most beautiful pair of brown eyes—after my own—and a nice full mouth. He ran his hand over his slightly spiky brown hair and offered the other to me.
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