Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keep it plain. Keep it simple. Keep it positive.

You do know what you put out there is what you get back right? Negativity brings more negativity. So if you have pessimistic thoughts, words, or ill feelings towards someone else or any drama in your life because you’re participating in it. You will receive more over and over again.

The negative thoughts you have about yourself is what you will become. You are speaking it into existence. Instead tell yourself: I am enough. I am beautiful. I am successful. You are all of this and more.

I’d like to share a section of a quote from Joel Osteen: “When negative thoughts come, don’t speak them out; instead speak life. Speak hope. Speak blessings. Speak what you seek.”

So keep it plain. Keep it simple. Keep it positive. Here’s one of my affirmations. I am happy! I am healthy! Having an excellent day!

It’s that easy.

Until next time,

I wish you Inner peace

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